Galerie Stylo | Vintage Posters, Prints and Books


Galerie Stylo specializes in antique posters, graphics and other printed matter from the period 1890-1980



Galerie Stylo was founded by Rob van Vulpen and has been in business since 2004. The gallery is located in The Netherlands, in Bennebroek, south of Haarlem, between Heemstede and Hillegom. His enthusiasm for old posters arises from the unique combination of properties they possess.

Because in addition to their aesthetic quality, posters are primarily witnesses to social, political and cultural history. Together they form a window through which you can see history from 1880 to the present. Almost all well-known artists from the 20th century designed posters, for their own exhibitions, but also for products and propaganda.


In addition to a large group of collectors, many foreign, I can count museums and institutes as clients. Several renowned museums have extensive collections, from the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam to the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Old original posters form the core of the collection. I also sell books, magazines, ephemeral printed matter and publications related to poster art and designers. When purchasing, I apply high standards when it comes to graphic quality and historical value. Most posters in the collection are rare; in some cases, no more than a handful of copies are known to have survived the past century. In addition to sales and purchasing, you can also contact me to offer posters you wish to sell, for searches, advice and consignment.